

World of Computer Games for Clueless Dads

A Guide to the World of Computer Gamers’ Psyche for Clueless Dads

by Harsh Kushwah The editor of menPsyche, and former gaming addict, explains the psyche of computer gamers to help hapless Dads struggling to understand their kid’s obsession. Table of Contents 1. Psyche of Gaming Kids Not every kid will be a sportstar or the class topper. Some kids are better at other things that require

A Guide to the World of Computer Gamers’ Psyche for Clueless Dads Read More »

best anime show to watch

Best Anime Shows: Perfect for a Binge with My Candid Commentary

menPsyche is always interested in entertainment with powerful messages to motivate audiences. In this article, our Guest Post contributor, Mayank Dwivedi, dissects his Top 5 Anime series and explains why these original storytelling cartoon series should be on your watch list. What is Anime? Anime is the term given to Japanese cartoon series. It is

Best Anime Shows: Perfect for a Binge with My Candid Commentary Read More »

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