
How Men Can Look Better in Zoom Meetings

by Harsh Kushwah

How to look good on Zoom for men How Men Can Look Better in Zoom Meetings,How to look good on Zoom for men?

It was bad enough in the ‘old days’ having to turn up to Monday morning meetings in person.

Now many of us have to be ready at a moments notice to meet people we know (and don’t know) online business Zoom calls.

(Not to mention the personal appearances on camera these days – video chats with in-laws or a new date).

Looking presentable on camera is totally different to real life. Your hair, skin, facial features, voice, clothes etc. may appear different or distorted.

Here’s our helpful guide on how to look better on Zoom.

Lighting for Zoom Calls

This is the most important and crucial element to ensuring you look your best on camera (and in photos) – learn to face the light!

The direction of lighting, source of light, colour and intensity can all make a huge difference to how you look on camera.

Essentially you want a ‘soft’ natural light coming from front on (not overhead). Now this may take some experimenting to see what works for your particular location.

7 How Men Can Look Better in Zoom Meetings,How to look good on Zoom for men?

You may not have access to a window for example, so you can utilise some lamps instead of harsh and unflattering overhead lighting (which casts shadows on your face).

Sometimes, people want a nice background for their online camera appearance. But there can be problems with this.

Many people sit at a desk for online meetings and the desks are facing away from the window.  The window looks nice so they feature that as their backdrop.

However, this means the natural light is hitting the back of your head!

Try sitting on the opposite side of your desk and see if this makes a difference (and remember to close the door if this is now your background).

If you are on the run, on a train or in a car – try and face a window (rather than have your back to the window).

There’s a reason that celebs and those who appear on camera and work in studios invest a lot of time and money on lighting. It can make you look like a completely different person!

Here are some tips to get started:

  • Test the lighting in the space you will be conducting your meeting. Take some photos of your face from different directions in the room
  • Use lamps behind your phone or laptop if the overhead lighting casts shadows or is too blue or white and washing out your facial colour.
  • Try to sit opposite (facing) a window (Not in direct sunlight, which will make you squint).
  • Tilt the phone or laptop higher or lower if you cannot change the lighting or the seating position in the room
  • If you need to rely on artificial light, see if a change of lightbulb colour will improve your onscreen appearance.

Facial Blemishes

Now, we know most guys do not routinely wear makeup, however there may be a few (almost) invisible products you can try for emergencies.

Concealer can be used to cover things like pimples, cold sores, scars, dark under-eye circles, bruises or anything that you feel will detract from your looks.

6 How Men Can Look Better in Zoom Meetings,How to look good on Zoom for men?

 Tinted moisturiser is another product that is subtle but will give an even skin tone.

It is not foundation – it will not look like makeup. But you will need to match the colour to your skin tone and some men may have trouble around the stubble and areas of any facial hair.

Another product that is often undetectable is mineral powder foundation. Unlike liquid products, which can be hard to apply, power can be used on men without much skill, especially if you are on camera and not meeting anyone in person.

An even skin tone can elevate your other facial features too.

(Check out makeup artist Wayne Goss who regularly applies products to himself when reviewing or explaining techniques. He has facial hair too).


  • Try concealer or colour correctors for any facial blemishes
  • Tinted moisturiser is more subtle than foundation and can even out your skin tone
  • Mineral powder foundations are a good choice for men, especially with facial hair, and can be almost unnoticeable on the skin

Hair Styles for Men

Most Zoom calls with mostly show your heads and shoulders. 

5 How Men Can Look Better in Zoom Meetings,How to look good on Zoom for men?

Your hair will therefore be a feature, more so than when your whole body is showing in person.

Styling and grooming before a meeting is obvious – ‘bedhead’ is not so sexy in most meetings.

Neat hair gives an impression of professionalism (or that you at least made an effort for this meeting!).

Matching your hairstyle to your face shape is a good start.

Utilising hairspray or gel may be good ideas too, even if you are not leaving the house that day.

Constantly touching wayward hair or brushing your hand through your locks can be distracting for others in the meeting.

Clothes for On Camera

There is a lot of focus on your head, neck and upper torso in Zoom calls.

You might think it doesn’t matter what you wear – everyone will just be enthralled by your innovative ideas.

But this is not how most humans work. Most people will judge you by your looks first, and then they might listen to what you have to say!

In a long meeting, where many ideas discussed it might be your shirt collar or smart sweater most people recall.

4 How Men Can Look Better in Zoom Meetings,How to look good on Zoom for men?

It probably goes without saying that a neat, clean, pressed top is required.

A collared shirt of top can work well. So can a sweater or t-shirt if the meeting is less formal.

Colour is an important consideration on camera. 

Here are some general rules:

  • Patterns can appear differently on camera so try to limit their use to a few subtle styles (e.g. A light stripe or small and subtle design). In general choose solid colours over patterns
  • Sometimes high contrast (think black and white) can appear harsh on camera
  • Shades of blue are universally flattering colour for most people and works well on screen
  • Business Casual is a good style that works well for business meeting online
  • Avoid matching your skin tone to your top – you might get lost on screen!

Don’t forget you might have to accommodate a microphone on your clothes so ensure it can be easily attached to your top.

Spectacles and Accessories

As a long time spectacle wearer and online meeting attendee, I know glare is a major problem on video for those who wear glasses.

If you don’t wear contact lenses, there are still a few options for you to try:

  • Adjust the level or angle of the camera lens
  • Move lighting out of the reflection of your glasses 
  • Move the glasses position on your face slightly (tilt up or down)

When it comes to jewellery, watches and accessories – less is more.

It’s not so much about style but about visual noise and distraction.

Groom on Zoom

Okay, we need to understand that meetings conducted online still require us to groom!

3 How Men Can Look Better in Zoom Meetings,How to look good on Zoom for men?

This means shave or trim facial hair and attend to your locks (as mentioned earlier).

It’s not a matter of facial hair versus no facial hair. It’s what you can make look neat and/or flattering on screen.

Take photos and do some camera tests to refine your grooming regime.

Also, take care of your skin all the time, so you are ready for those pesky impromptu Zoom calls anytime.

Video Verbal Communication Tips

You can look better on camera if you sound better.

And by ‘better’ I mean concise and clear.

When you attend a meeting in person, your body language may assist you to convey your points.

On screen, it’s a lot about your voice and expression.

Prepare before all meeting and work through what you might say and how you might say it.

All that amazing grooming and colour coordination will not help you if you mumble and fumble your way through a meeting.

It’s not easy – we have all had to learn these skills.

But by being aware of the impact communication can make to your image, it’s an advantage you will carry with you always.

Background Scene

2 How Men Can Look Better in Zoom Meetings,How to look good on Zoom for men?

One final consideration to looking your best on camera is to think about the entire picture of what people will see when you log in to the meeting.

What is behind you can frame you! If it’s an open cupboard with dirt laundry flowing out…well.

Try to find something simple and not to distracting. You will need to balance out your background with the lighting first.

We suggest prioritising the light over the backdrop if you have to make a choice.

Once again, test your seating position on camera or photos prior to the meeting.

Bonus Tip – Hold Something 

This tip is for those who feel ‘naked’ or exposed on camera and need to direct their nervousness somewhere!

Try holding a pen, and noting a few things onto a diary or notepad.

1 How Men Can Look Better in Zoom Meetings,How to look good on Zoom for men?

You might notice many commentators (ex sports stars for example) who hold pens when they are interviewed or appearing on a panel.

It also helps you look like you care about the meeting!


The screen is not always your friend. And in Zoom calls, you need confidence and concentration.

If you are worried about your looks and impression, it will detract from your ‘performance.’

It’s better to make a little effort in a few key areas.

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