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Life is quite a ride, but let’s be real—there are bumps and challenges along the way.
One challenge many face at times is anxiety.
Even though it presents differently for everyone, moments of unease, worry, or tension are common signs. Anxiety can be a bit complex, but information is power. It’s the first step to finding the right resources to support you.
Those resources can include advice and daily practices that can foster healthy coping skills. If you find you need more, therapy may be another option. Both in-person therapy and online therapy providers like BetterHelp can provide personalized guidance.
Before you know whether it’s time to seek assistance, it may help to understand a bit more about anxiety and how it presents.
Anxiety Is Common
It may help to understand that anxiety is common and many experience it at some point in their lives. According to the AADA, over 19% of the American population lives with some form of anxiety. The AADA also reports that while anxiety is considered a treatable challenge, only 39.6% of people who live with it seek treatment.
Men And Mental Health
The statistics stack up differently for men. Butler Hospital asserts that according to a survey of people living with anxiety, only 35% of men said they’d seek help. By comparison, 58% of women with anxiety were open to treatment.
This could be because of the stigma associated with mental health in general, but especially for men. The many contributing factors to the stigma may include culture, shame, fear of rejection or discrimination, and more. Stages of life including fatherhood can trigger changes in mood and even signs of anxiety.

It’s important to understand that all human beings deserve support and that self care is critical to well being.
Factors like gender do not have to be a barrier to treatment. The earlier someone receives treatment, the sooner they can potentially resolve the issues they’re facing.
Living With Anxiety: Yourself
How can you tell if you have anxiety? It’s a unique experience for everyone, but there are some common signs and symptoms, according to The National Institute of Mental Health.
Are you feeling restless or edgy? This may point to increased anxiety in your life.
Do you tire easily or feel frequently fatigued? Stress could be draining your energy.
Do you feel distracted and lack concentration, or sense a change in your ability to concentrate? General Anxiety Disorder could be a factor.
If you feel irritable or short-tempered, emotionally out of control, or are having trouble sleeping, you could be living with anxiety.
Physical symptoms like headaches, digestive upset, unexplained pains, and muscle aches can also stem from stress and anxiety.
If any or most of these symptoms sound familiar, what can you do?
Therapy For Anxiety
One of the best courses of action for people living with anxiety is to seek the help of a licensed therapist. The professional you work with will have adequate, up-to-date training and understand how to assist people like you.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a common approach to treating anxiety and through this practice, you and your therapist will discover a number of coping skills that may help you feel better. This treatment focuses, in part, on patterns of behavior and finding solutions to break out of distorted thinking to gain calm and clarity.

CBT is not the only treatment people with anxiety may receive, however. The right therapist will avail themselves of all they know to help guide you toward better health.
Mindfulness And Mindset
In conjunction with your therapist or even on your own, you may find relief from anxiety by engaging in calming, focusing practices like mindfulness.
The AADA (Anxiety & Depression Association of America) describes mindfulness as ‘’paying attention to one’s thoughts and feelings in a way that is kind, curious, and grounded in the present moment.’’
There are a vast number of resources available to learn about mindfulness as it’s a popular cultural topic.
Slowing down and shifting your mindset to a kinder, more playful perspective may decrease some of the tension we can feel when faced with decisions or adversity. It can also help some people reconsider patterns of behavior like self-criticism.
Many therapists include some type of mindfulness practices in their approach and it’s ok to ask about them during your sessions.
Touched By Anxiety Through Association
But, what if anxiety touches your life in another way? Being in the support system of someone experiencing anxiety can also require attention. When you care for or show up for others, it can run you down or create stress in your own life. How can you take proper care of yourself to support your health as well as be there for those around you?
Living With Anxiety: Helping A Loved One
Therapy and mindfulness, calming practices, and reaching out for help aren’t just good ideas to consider if you feel anxious. They can also be helpful if you support someone diagnosed with anxiety.
It’s ok to take time for yourself and tend to your own needs. Therapists are accustomed to helping people with stressful lives manage everything on their plate and the mental health challenges that can come with being a caretaker.
Sometimes the person with anxiety is close to you physically. Perhaps you live in the same home, share children, or they’re a parent or sibling. No matter what connection you may have, if you feel strained or have concerns, seeking a therapist may be a good option.
There Are Solutions Available
Anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of and you don’t have to struggle on your own. It’s not uncommon for men to feel anxious and far too many face the challenge in silence.
If you find that anxiety is impacting your daily life, seeking support is a courageous and proactive step.
Connecting with a mental health professional, such as a licensed therapist or counselor, provides an opportunity to explore the root causes of anxiety.
Together, you and your therapist may develop coping strategies, and uncover a more balanced, resilient mindset. With these skills, you may find life looks a little easier, after all.
Are You Anxious And Need Support?
Explore Online Therapy.
By Melissa L. Walker, Guest Post Writer for

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