Thank you for your interest in writing a guest post on
There are 3 avenues to publish on menPsyche –
- Submit an article on an interesting and relevant topic for our audience (articles must be based on personal experience or expertise or be an opinion piece)
- Submit an article for our MEN’s STORIES section
For Brands and Sponsors –
- Submit a post for our PARTNER CONTENT section (contact us for rates)
Before you submit your story, kindly read the guidelines below.

Submission Guidelines
- The minimum length of any guest-contributed article is 1,000 words.
- We permit one link to your website in the article
- You can also include reference links in your post to support the information and stats (if any) in your content.
- 100% original and unique content.
- Upload a short author bio of 2-3 lines (as mentioned in the form below).
What We Don't Accept
- Previously published articles or copied content.
- AI-generated content. We support writers; we want your experiences and opinions.
Please note –
- Submission of posts does not guarantee publication.
- Submissions with incomplete info will be rejected automatically.
- Once the article is live, you can not republish it anywhere.
- We can edit and make tweaks to your content if required.
- We do not publish press releases.
Reference posts
Submission Process -
- If you want to write for us, please fill in the form below with the required details.
- If we approve your article, we will email you within 4-5 business days and let you know.
NOTE – If you want to become a regular contributor, please email to discuss your ideas and work with our team on suggested topics.
And lastly – THANK YOU!!!
We know how hard it is to write, and we appreciate your helpful efforts for our audience!
Submission form
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