
Hobbies for Men in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s

by Jennifer Richardson

Hobbies For Men In Their 20s, 30s, 40s, And 50s

Men are free to choose any hobby at any age, but sometimes, a particular pursuit may be more suited to a certain stage in your life.

Time, budget, energy, knowledge of your likes and dislikes, and personal goals may dictate what type of hobby or project to start at a particular age.

Sometimes we forget about personal development or enjoying life while trying to meet societal expectations, and life gets lost amongst the obligations and pressures.

This article helps you explore new ideas for learning and fun and some things to consider when deciding what hobby to start and when.

1. Hobbies for Men in Their 20s

Your 20s are a time for growth and discovery. You might be completing your studies and beginning a new career. Discovering your personality and strengths and weaknesses can lead you towards personal growth during this stage of life. It’s time for experimentation, and you can afford to put all your energy into developing yourself. Your obligations and pressures are likely to be less than in other stages of life, so take advantage of the time you have now.

Lifestyle in your 20s  – studying, beginning a career, starting relationships, personal development, fewer responsibilities

Team sports

Hobbies For Men In Their 20s- team sports

Teams are an excellent idea for people to socialise, get fit and learn skills. Not just sports skills but the team and people skills that may help you in other areas of your life. Team sports often require training and time commitments, so your 20’s a great time to get started. Ideas are cricket, football, volleyball, kabaddi, hockey, badminton, table tennis, and basketball.

Investing & Financial Literacy

Investing & Financial Literacy- hobbies for men in their 20s

There is so little advice for young people in school on money management, investing and income generation. You do not have to be a crazy capitalist to learn these vital life skills. You also do not have to use any money. Reading, taking courses, and learning skills can all be in your spare time and are often available for free. Learning a trend versus an astute investment can be helpful and a fun pastime. It is not much use learning these lessons in your 50s.

Martial Arts

Hobbies For Men In Their 20s- martial arts

Apart from muscle development and physical enhancement, martial arts can boost confidence and develop discipline. There are so many benefits to this hobby – WebMd outlines numerous areas of the mind and body that benefit from this intense pursuit, including stress and aggression reduction, assertiveness and overall mastery over your emotions.


Hobbies For Men In Their 20s- camping

The ultimate bro-bonding opportunity. Of course, you can invite the girls too! But camping is one of the best hobbies for men in their 20s. It develops mate-ship and self-reliance, gets you in touch with nature, and generally offers a break from the hectic pace of modern life.

Hobbies for Men in their 30s

The 30s can be a turbulent time. Pressures and responsibilities are building, and you may feel like you have no time to yourself. Marriages, divorces, children, and careers are all everyday pressures for guys in this stage of life. Stress reduction, health and fun are needed, and your hobbies may provide the solution.

Lifestyles in your 30s – marriage, family, career development, travel, stress reduction, fun

Cards/Board Games

Hobbies For Men In Their 30s- cards

This hobby can be a sedate family affair or a wild boy’s night! There is a surprising list of benefits to playing cards and board games, from mental health benefits to enhancing patience, memory and motor skills. A social night with the family or a group of friends is an excellent option for busy guys in their 30s.



If you need an excuse to sit in a quiet corner of the house without being disturbed, think about taking up reading as your next hobby. Reading can be educational, entertaining and relaxing. Join a book club if you want to extend the pursuit to a social element, or keep it solo by treating yourself to a new book a month. Build up your knowledge, get lost in a fictional world and take uninterrupted time for yourself.


swimming man hobbies for men in their 20s,hobbies for men in their 30s,hobbies for men in their 40s,hobbies for men over 50,hobbies for adults

Water can be very therapeutic, apart from an excellent sport for those who have injuries or cannot manage jogging or other weight-bearing exercises. You do not have to be an Olympian-grade swimmer to enjoy floating and playing in the pool or beach. You can take up the option of a swimming lesson too. It’s a great family activity, or it can become your peaceful, luxurious start to the day.

Bird watching

Hear me out – we are not geeking out on you. Bird watching is a strangely relaxing and, at the same time, an exciting hobby for many people around the world. You can combine travel and wildlife, learn patience and develop observation skills. If you are an outdoors-type or like the challenge of competitions (yes, people compete!), this may be a great new hobby. It can be your next party trick to identify the birds in your neighbourhood!

Hobbies for Men in their 40s

The forties are when men often consolidate their lives – financially, their relationships and their career. Health comes into focus at this age – you can’t get away with what you used to in terms of diet, exercise and damaging lifestyle habits. Finances may allow more indulgent hobbies. You hopefully know more about who you are and how you want to spend your time. Consider the following ideas for hobbies in your 40s.

Lifestyles in your 40s  – consolidating your position, career advancement, health, travel


bodybuilding- Hobbies For Men In Their 40s

It’s a sad fact that muscle mass declines as we age. The decline in muscle mass starts in your 30s, so if you have not started working out and building muscle, now is the time to start. Bodybuilding does not mean steroids and six packs. It does mean making a concerted effort to build muscle to prevent decline and other health-related outcomes from lack of muscle tissue (like fractures). Joining a gym, finding a personal trainer or using body-weight exercises at home all go a long way to ensuring optimal health. Bodybuilding may also offer social connection, stress release and improved confidence.

Learn a Language

Learning a language is a great skill or hobby for any age group, but you might be able to combine learning a language with travel goals in your 40s. Learning a language while immersed in a culture can be a more effective way to get to grips with a language quickly. Plenty of free or paid language services are available if you are not in a hurry or do not have the budget to travel. Learning a language is an excellent cognitive exercise too. Consider joining your local foreign language club to socialise and practice your new skills. Language skills can also boost your career by opening up potential international opportunities.


A popular hobby, photography is one skill that is always in demand. But as a hobbyist, there is no need to think about being professional – it’s all about capturing what you see and learning the finer point of photography and images. Photography can combine with other hobbies too – travel, weekend city or nature tours, a new business venture, or simply capturing special family moments. Turning your hobby into a profession is possible one day, but the sense of satisfaction from taking a good photograph needn’t be reserved for the pros.

Wine Enthusiast

Now, you might be thinking, this is a fun hobby! We don’t mean become a drinking enthusiast; we mean an appreciator of fine wine. There are plenty of ways to indulge in your hobby   – Read about wine, tour wineries, take a class in wine appreciation or join a wine club. 

Hobbies For Men In Their 20s, 30s, 40s, And 50s
Hobbies for Men over 50

Your 50s are when your family might be grown and independent, you might have more time for yourself and leisure interests, or your career may still be the focus of your life. You might be more established in your life at this age and be ready for new opportunities,  hobbies and skills. Leisure, new experiences and giving back to the community may be on your mind as you enter your 50s.


If you have managed to maintain physical fitness, now might be the time to take on a lifetime challenge, like climbing a mountain or competing in charity walking events.

The ex-Australian cricket captain Allan Border is an example of someone who treks post cricket retirement and has completed several long (like 1000 kilometres) walking events. Your sense of adventure might be the same as when you were young, but now you have the time.

trekking hobby for adults and over 50s men


An excellent option for those with time and teachable skills is to take up coaching or mentoring. Institutions and clubs sometimes accept volunteer coaches and mentors to enhance their formal educational or sporting programs. Whether you are an academic, dance, sports, art or life coach, the younger generation will appreciate your life experience. A hugely satisfying hobby that can be as small or as large as you wish.


trekking hobby for adults and over 50s men

A hobby that can be enjoyed at any age, learning an instrument or merely collecting music and going to concerts can be a great way to relax, socialise and enjoy your 50s. Music is a personal choice, so perhaps enjoy your hobby alone, or find a music tribe to share the pleasure. Learning an instrument may be a long-held passion that you have not had time to indulge in until now. Learning music skills has innumerable benefits, from enhancing brain function to increased creativity.

Demands change throughout your life, and so do your interests. A hobby is a man’s way to break free from monotonous everyday life and learn, enjoy, create and share. You might find multiple hobbies in your lifetime or just one to occupy your spare time and indulge a personal passion.

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