
Easiest Skincare Routine for Lazy Guys

by Harsh Kushwah

Easiest Skincare Routine for Lazy Guys with products and brand mentioned

New and easiest skincare routine for lazy guys – FACE & BODY

People are seldom lazy – sometimes, they are confused, and that’s why they don’t act. There may be a few of you who don’t know where (or why) to start a skincare regime. Men’s grooming has only recently become a regular talking point for many guys. 

Men’s grooming has become a BIG business. Sales of male skincare products are reportedly booming, and skincare routine male and manscaping have officially arrived. You may question whether you need it at all. But think about your skin in a different way and think about the role it plays for you every day.

If you take the trouble to improve your brain at school, your bank balance at work, and your body in the gym, why not look after your skin?

As you probably learned in school, the skin is your largest organ. Skin can be an important indicator of health, so it pays to take notice of changes or problem areas.

But beyond health, there are your looks – they matter to most people. How do you expect your date to look on a night out? Well-groomed? – probably! Just remember, she might be expecting the same from you!

Let’s be real –you are never going to keep up with a complicated routine – very few can.

So it’s all about finding a routine for great skin health that you don’t have to think about – It has to become part of your routine.

The following guide is for those guys who want to look after their skin but need help figuring out where to start.

The good news – a small effort can go a very long way to improving how your skin looks and feels. You might be surprised at the confidence boost a little attention to your skin can bring to your life. Remember – everyone’s skin is different. As with dietary advice, an individual approach is often the most successful.

You don’t need to follow a step if your skin doesn’t respond to tips and suggestions. In addition, if you enjoy a step, consider just adding one element to your routine (i.e. exfoliation or masks).

Essential Regime (Two Steps)

A two-step process may be all you need to obtain the skin of your dreams. If it’s good enough for David Beckham (who reportedly has a 7-minute, two-step cleanse and moisturise routine), it’s good enough for us!

1. Clean Your Skin – Cleanser

Let’s be honest – your skin takes a beating! So many environmental toxins, let alone internal stress, can affect our skin.

Ensure you find a cleanser to suit your skin type to give your skin its best chance.

The aim is to cleanse your skin of pollutants and debris but not to entirely strip the skin to the point of upsetting the natural defences and oils on the skin’s surface.

best skincare products for men
Cetaphil Cleanser – Oily/Acne-prone skin – Cetaphil is a worldwide best-seller in gentle care.
best skincare products for men
UrbanBotanics Tea Tree& Neem Purifying Unisex Face Wash is suitable for all skin types and best to be incorporated in the daily skincare routine for men.
best skincare products for men
CeraVe Cleanser (Hydrating) for Normal to Dry skin – one of the most popular, quality skincare cleansers on the market
best skincare products for men
NIVEA Men Face Wash – this product targets pigmentation and clear, bright skin with the addition of vitamin C
  1. Protect – Moisturiser

Moisturiser can protect your skin from the elements. It offers a layer of protection from external damage and provides hydration, which can improve the skin’s appearance. Some moisturisers contain sun protection, adding further protection from damage to the skin. The damage from the sun can be invisible and not show up until years later, when it is often too late to do much about it. 

As with cleansers, look for a formula that suits your skin type and environmental needs. As the world’s women will tell you, finding the right product for you may take trial and error.

You may use different moisturisers, depending on your climate and lifestyle, i.e. if you play outdoor sports, look for sun protection;  If you live in a dry environment, you may need moisturiser all year. Indoor heating and cooling can also affect skin texture and may require protection. Nevertheless, it’s a must-have in the easiest Skincare Routine for Lazy Guys. Here are some of the best men’s skincare brands to moisturise your skin:

Simple Moisturiser- best skincare products for men
Simple Moisturiser – Suitable for all skin types. High-rated, affordable product for skincare routine male.
Nivea Moisturiser best skincare products for men
Nivea Men’s Moisturiser, Oil Control – Contains vitamin C and UV protection and is suitable for acne-prone skin. 
Sukin Moisturiser- best skincare products for men
Sukin Men’s Moisturiser – This product contains a formula for men’s skin; beneficial for extremely dry skin.
brickell Moisturiser best skincare products for men
Brickell Essential Face Moisturiser for Men – protects and hydrates. High customer satisfaction.

Optional Steps

1. Exfoliate

If you are enjoying the selfcare and want to add a step to the above routine, consider exfoliating.

Exfoliation can significantly enhance the appearance of your skin. Dead skin cells are removed during this process to reveal healthier, brighter-looking skin.

Exfoliation can be either chemical (i.e. acids formulated for the skin) or manual (facial or body scrubs and brushes). 

Exfoliating all of the body using a slighting abrasive body brush, loofah, or even a face towel can really make a difference to the smoothness and appearance of your skin. Try and add it to your shower or bathing routine. Be careful; you can overdo exfoliation –  it is not the case that more is better. Initially, try once a week and see if there is an improvement or the opposite; it aggravates your skin. 

Interesting Fact  – men often have smooth skin on their faces from shaving, which acts like an exfoliant. Some women shave their faces using tiny razors to get the same anti-aging, brightening effect. Check out the trend online – It’s popular in Japan!) Anyways, here are some of the best men’s skincare brands for exfoliation:

best men's skincare brands- spruce facescrub
Spruce Shave Club Men’s Charcoal Face Scrub – provides deep cleansing and blackhead removal. 
best men's skincare brands- the derma co peeling solution
The Derma Co Peeling Solution – chemical skin exfoliation with lactic acid, salicylic acid glycolic acid for rough skin texture, large pores, acne, blemishes & anti-aging. Not suitable for sensitive skin.
best men's skincare brands- exfoliation washcloth
Terra Exfoliating Washcloth – Unisex, extra tough Exfoliating Towel, Back Scrubber and Dead Skin Cell Remover (may not be suitable for sensitive skin)

best men's skincare brands- exfoliation washcloth
Nat Habit Natural Sun Dried Bath Loofah (4 pack) – Unisex, natural, organic and affordable body product for all-over exfoliation.

2.Luxury Treat – Masks

Masks are an extra step for guys (a step too far, some may say!). But there is nothing wrong with treating yourself to a face mask. They can be incredibly relaxing and cooling.

Many face masks treat specific skin concerns.

Whether it is extra hydration, brightening or acne treatment, consider adding a mask to your skincare routine. (A sheet mask is a secret weapon of many celebs who indulge before the red carpet!).

glow mask- best men's skincare brands
The Face Shop Glow Sheet Masks (pack of 10) – This product offers 10 masks to address different skin concerns and offers an affordable way to test what works for you.

The Man Company Face Mask – A deep cleansing mask to address dead skin removal and whiteheads/blackheads.
mCaffeine Face Mask best men's skincare brands
mCaffeine Hydrating Face Mask – A  clay mask with Aloe Vera & cocoa for smooth, hydrated skin.

3.Special Attention – Skin Concerns

Sometimes our skin concerns require a more specialised approach. Many over-the-counter products are formulated to address skin concerns such as acne, dryness, scars, pigmentation etc.

(Always consult a suitable, well-reputed health professional for severe skin conditions).

Easiest Skincare Routine for Lazy Guys
Beardo Body Acne Body Wash for Men – Specially formulated with neem, salicylic acid and tea tree. Treats acne without drying out the skin.
Easiest Skincare Routine for Lazy Guys
Bio-Oil Face & Body Oil – One of the most popular skincare products available for men, suitable for all skin types. Bio-Oil addresses acne scars, stretch marks, pigmentation, dark spots, and signs of ageing. 
Easiest Skincare Routine for Lazy Guys
NIVEA Men Crème – a non-greasy moisturiser specially formulated for men to reduce pigmentation.
Easiest Skincare Routine for Lazy Guys
Cetaphil Moisturising Cream – Dermatologist recommended product for very dry skin and one of the best skincare products for men.

  1. The Most IMPORTANT Step! 

What is the most successful skincare regime? The one you will actually DO! You are more likely to continue if the routine is simple and easy to remember.

So the critical step is to incorporate the regime into your daily routine. It needs to become automatic to become a habit and be easy to implement.

Tips  – 

  • Put an alarm or reminder on your phone to prompt you to cleanse and moisturise.
  • Incorporate into your existing grooming or bathing routine.
  • Put on products first thing or last thing at night, if that’s the best way to remember.
  • Test different products –  this may introduce an element of ‘excitement’ into a mundane routine to help you continue.
  • To ensure the routine becomes a habit, buy two months’ products to give yourself enough supply to form a habit (i.e. beyond the first month!).

Bonus – Skin Health  Tips (Nutrition)

The health of your skin is influenced by the external care you provide; however, a critical factor in skin health is nutrition. Many vital nutrients contribute to the health of your skin. Here are some essential nutrients to include in your diet:

  • Vitamin A (critical for keratin synthesis)
  • Healthy Fats (including Omega 3 fatty acids). Check out our blog on best multivitamin brands for men.
  • Protein (the fundamental building block of the body)
  • Vitamin C (helps protein keep its shape; essential for collagen)
  • Vitamin E (prevents ageing and damage to the skin)
  • Zinc (aids in skin healing)
  • Selenium (helps protect from UV damage)

 (Source – WebMed– Nutrients for Health Skin)

Take Away

Everyone deserves great skin, but only some are lucky to have the perfect canvas. Our skin is a significant yet neglected area of our body. Many people, including many women familiar with skincare products, focus on the skin on their faces, leaving their hands, necks and the rest of their bodies unprotected. A whole-body approach is required.

Finding a simple, easy routine to care for our skin is our best chance for great skin. Even the laziest (or most confused!) guy can have better skin.

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